In a world that is increasingly connected globally, ICL’s International collaborative learning program is one way to broaden horizons, build multi-national and international networks, and enrich educational experiences. This program allows students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta to study outside the school environment by seeing culture and activities in other areas in various countries. Students are invited to learn directly about the culture, traditions and customs of local residents as well as students from the schools they visit. By interacting with local residents, participants can understand cultural differences more deeply, thereby encouraging attitudes of tolerance and empathy towards differences.
The Learning Program scheduled by SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta every year is an extraordinary opportunity to broaden students’ horizons, learn about the world, and develop skills, cultural understanding, independence and new friendship networks. By participating in this program, students can prepare themselves to become world citizens who are more tolerant, open-minded, and ready to face global challenges in the future.