Program SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta

School Program

ICL & NCL are implemented in order to form student independence and provide students with experience in learning, culture, and the character of each person they meet. This makes it a very meaningful experience for students to become tolerant, respectful, and appreciative students.

Classroom learning uses a digital classroom. Students are facilitated with a Microsoft account, one student one device and paperless so that learning is more interesting and technology-based.

Religious activities to prepare students to be ready to plunge into society by assigning students to carry out religious sermons in mosques, muezzins, and carry out dawn safaris from one mosque to another.

Learning activities outside the classroom in order to introduce students to the environment and public facilities, so that students have a variety of learning. Not only reading and seeing pictures, but students are really given real experience to see directly what they are learning.

It is a collaborative program of subjects that is packaged with an interesting activity and educates students to become entrepreneurs. By carrying out economic activities (buying and selling) according to Islamic law starting from calculating capital, producing, packaging, marketing, and calculating profit/loss called ‘Market Day’.

Scout camping to train students to become a generation that has a survival spirit, is tough, independent, highly disciplined and also has skills in the outdoors.

Future Career learning adalah kegiatan pembelajaran nyata dimana siswa diberikan kesempatan mempelajari pekerjaan impian mereka dimasa depan. Mereka akan diajak secara langsung untuk mengikuti kegiatan profesi masa depan yang  mereka cita – citakan. Seperti profesi menjadi dokter, guru, tentara, desainer, pemadam kebakaran, dan lain-lain.

Kegiatan Guest Teacher memberikan pengalaman pebelajaran yang benar-benar berbeda, karena siswa dapat memahami dan menggali informasi dari Guest teacher yang hadir. Satu bulan sekali sekolah mengundang guest teacher dari berbagai profesi seperti dokter, tentara, psikolog, dan banyak lagi lainnya.

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