SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta


School Facilities

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Their Opinion about SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta

SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta

The best way to predict the future is to create it !Use technology to nurture creativity and always collaborate ! Keep up the good work !
Alan Schneitz
Praktisi Pendidikan Finlandia
Percayalah setiap siswa adalah cerdas, mereka adalah bintang. Tepat memilih SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta untuk pendidikan masa depan !
Munif Chatib
Praktisi Pendidikan Indonesia

News & Information

International Collaborative Learning SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta

In a world that is increasingly connected globally, ICL’s International collaborative learning program is one way to broaden horizons, build multi-national and international networks, and enrich educational experiences. This program allows students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta to study outside the school environment by seeing culture and activities in other areas in various countries. Students […]

Improving Professional Competence : waste management and rainwater management into drinking water

Improving Teacher Competence through Educational Workshops Teachers have an important role in creating a quality next generation. For this reason, improving teacher competence is one of the main focuses in the world of education. One effective way to achieve this goal is through the implementation of teacher workshops. This time all teachers, staff, and employees […]

Sumatif Akhir Semester

Jakarta, 2 December 2024 The end of the semester has arrived, students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta are starting to take final exams this semester. Let’s prepare to face this exam! Preparing for the Exam Tips for Success in SAS

National Teacher Day

National Teachers’ Day: Appreciating the Role of Unsung Heroes National Teachers’ Day, which is celebrated every November 25, is an important moment to remember, honor, and appreciate the services of teachers throughout Indonesia. Teachers, who are often referred to as unsung heroes, have a big role in producing the next generation of the nation who […]

Leadership Camp: Building Future Leaders

Leadership Camp: Building Future LeadersLeadership Camp is a program designed to develop leadership skills, strengthen character, and shape individuals who are able to face future challenges. Typically, this program involves a series of outdoor activities and training sessions designed to test participants’ physical and mental endurance, as well as hone their abilities in collaboration, communication, […]

National Collaboration Learning

In an increasingly globally connected world, the National Collaborative Learning program is one way to broaden horizons, build networks nationally and internationally, and enrich educational experiences. This program allows students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta to learn outside the school environment by seeing cultures and activities in other parts of Indonesia. Students are invited to […]

Cross Culture: Celebrate “Sumpah Pemuda” with Creativity

Jakarta, October 29, 2024 – An event to commemorate Youth Pledge and Language Month has been held with the theme “Cross Culture”. This lively event was attended by all students, teachers and school staff. Various interesting activities were held to enliven the commemoration of this historic day The commemoration of Youth Pledge and Language Month […]

Genn Smart Camp 2024: Building Teamwork in Nature

Jakarta, October 28, 2024 – SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta successfully held the Genn Smart Camp with the theme “Stronger Together: Building Teamwork in Nature” on October 25-26, 2024. This activity, focused on character development and environmental awareness, was attended by all students of SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta. The Genn Smart Camp became a forum for […]

Genn Smart Cup 2024: Building Solidarity Through Sportsmanship

Jakarta, October 3-12, 2024 – SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta once again successfully hosted its annual event, the highly anticipated Genn Smart Cup 2024. Centered around the theme “Sportivity For Stronger Solidarity,” this event brought together students in a spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie. For ten days, SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta transformed into a vibrant […]

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs: Innovate, Create, and Launch at Smart Nine Sales SMP

SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Jakarta recently concluded its highly anticipated annual event, the Smart Nine Sale, on October 3-4. This two-day marketplace, organized as part of the school’s Project P5 curriculum, provided students with a unique opportunity to showcase their entrepreneurial skills and creativity. The Smart Nine Sale transformed the school grounds into a vibrant bazaar […]

Sirah Nabawi 2024

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.Hi! MULAN’s FriendsAlhamdulillah, the Sirah Nabawi with Daffa Nur Febrianto, S.Pd, a young millennial da’i, went well. This event uses the theme “Akhlakmu Tauladanku, Syafaatmu Harapanku”. Hopefully the knowledge gained can be useful and applied in life well.

Tabligh Akbar with KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar (Aa Gym)

Tabligh Akbar was held after Zuhr prayer at the Muhammadiyah Limau Bendi School (LBS) complex in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta with speaker Abdullah Gymnastiar (Aa Gym) on Monday, (02/09/24).Jama’ah consisting of students, teachers, employees and the general public were very enthusiastic in attending the Tabligh Akbar. The Tabligh Akbar event was opened by the Muhammadiyah […]

School Year 2024/2025

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